Implants and prosthesis

Medical implants are devices or tissues that are placed inside or on the surface of the body. Many implants are prosthetics, intended to replace missing body parts. Other implants deliver medication, monitor body functions, or provide support to organs and tissues.Some implants are made from skin, bone or other body tissues.  Others are made from metal, plastic, ceramic or other materials.

  • Impression/mould in implantology
  • Partial edentulous and implants
  • Total edentulous and implants
  • Bio-mechanic and Implants
  • Occlusion and implants

Related Conference of Implants and prosthesis

February 27-28, 2025

4th  European Conference onDental Health

Paris, France
March 10-11, 2025

33rd American Dental Congress

New York, USA
March 21-22, 2025

34th Euro Dentistry Congress

Paris, France
March 24-25, 2025

6th International Conference on Orthodontics

Paris, Germany
April 17-18, 2025

14th World Summit on Oral Health and Dentistry

Paris, France
April 28-29, 2025

7th International Conference on Dental Practice

Bali, Indonesia
May 27-28, 2025

6th Annual Congress on Dental Health and Oral Care

Vancouver, Canada
June 16-17, 2025

46th World Dental Science and Oral Health Congress

Amsterdam, Netherlands
June 26-27, 2025

37th Annual World Dentistry Summit

Vancouver, Canada
June 26-27, 2025

36th American Dentistry Congress

Orlando, USA
October 20-21, 2025

33rd International Conference on Dental

Barcelona, Spain

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September 15 23 2016


26 September 3 October 2016


March 16-19 2016

45th Annual Meeting Exhibition of the AADR

Los Angeles Calif USA
June 22-25 2016

94th General Session Exhibition of the IADR

Seoul Republic of Korea
September 20 23 2016

Annual Meeting of the British Continental European Irish Israeli and Scandinavian Divisions of IADR

Jerusalem Israel
September 15 - 16 2016

18th International Conference on Dental and Oral Health

Rome Italy
January 21-23 2016

2016 Rocky Mountain Dental Convention RMDC

Denver CO
January 27-31 2016

Yankee Dental Congress 2016

Boston MA

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